Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU)

Our Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU) from the Industries which has joined forces with HRP International, the most experienced company in surface hydraulic units for Sucker Rod Pumps (SRP). Each one of the companies has over 25 years of experience in artificial lift. Together we have the capacity to offer our customers the best alternative to obtain the highest production level from each well at the lowest cost. The system consists of two parts:

Hydraulic Pumping Unit


Subsurface Hydraulic Pumping Unit

Power Units

Power Unit (characteristics)

Every hydraulic cylinder and power unit are built according each well application, with an optimized design process that seeks to exceed the minimum capacity required, preventing the changing conditions of the reservoir.


We offers remote telemetry functions, leader in its class, with surveillance and integration capabilities. The available communications include support for mobiles (GSM, GPRS & CDMA) 802.x Net Mesh, 802.x Wi-Fi Hot Spots, Bluetooth, Spread Spectrum Ethernet and cable Ethernet.

The Programmable Logic Controller creates dynamometric graphs from the hydraulic load on the polished road. Monitors and control in real time via internet. Trend analysis and performance via internet. Pump Graphs. The customer could define the limits, shut downs, etc. Inlet: 24v, 4 a 20 mA.

HPU Power
HPU Offshore